scott olson

Engineer, Developer, Scientist, Outdoorsman

About me.

Software engineer, scientist, avid outdoorsman, passionate learner with a background in analytical science, engineering, and environmental work. I am currently looking for opportunities in software engineering around the SF Bay Area and beyond. Check out my blog section to see what I am up to.



An assembly of visualizations featuring sequences from the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences , algorithms, and other math explorations. This will also be the repo where I upload solutions for Project Euler visualizatoins as I work on them.

PUBG Stats

A Django project that uses the PUBG api to scrape player statistics from matches compiling the data to create averages for players games. A large data set is used to compile a heat map of player death locations showing locations of interest and value.


A project built in MEAN for a hackathon. This allows a user to watch multiple Twitch streams together. Designed for watching tournament and squad oriented games to see the same action from multiple persepectives. This feature has since been implemented on the official website.